ENDNENZ3&ˇ˙˙˙˙@–AbstractAccession NumberAuthorAuthor/Editor Affiliation' ChemicalsClassification CodesCODENConference Information CopyrightDate of Publication. Date of Publication| Digital Object Identifier+DOI+Document NumberInspec Update CodeISSNKey Phrase IdentifiersLanguage2 Numeric DataPublication TypeSICISource%, vol., no., | , pp. . Source!, vol., no., , pp. . Source, vol., | , pp. . Source, vol., , pp. . Source, no., | , pp. . Source, no., , pp. . Source", vol., no., | , pp. .Source, vol., no., , pp. .Source, vol., | , pp. .Source, vol., , pp. .Source, no., | , pp. .Source, no., , pp. .Source, | , pp. .Source, , pp. .Source  pp. .SourceSubject HeadingsTitle Treatment$U.S. Copyright Clearance Center Code Update CodePublication Type`Book Chapter`Publication Type`Conference Paper`AbstractAccession NumberAuthorAuthor/Editor Affiliation' ChemicalsClassification CodesCODENConference Information CopyrightDate of Publication. Date of Publication| Date of PublicationDigital Object Identifier+Document NumberInspec Update CodeISBNISSNKey Phrase IdentifiersLanguage2 Numeric DataPublication TypeSICISource. | . . pp. . |.Source. |. pp. . , USA.Source|. pp. . |.SourceSubject HeadingsTitle Treatment$U.S. Copyright Clearance Center Code Update Code‡DDHD DDDHDH DHDDDDSLSHD&, US: Univ Microfilms International . D2L. S. D: . D D, US Dl‚‚‚ ‚ ‚ ‚‚ Source>>>>> ;‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚x OvidSPz3950.ovid.comINSPECINSPF210 SUTRS Latin-1H?USERID1I ?PASSWORD1G000 â F Any Field*101633211F Author*AUTH100333211F Year*DATE31FTitle*433111FJournal/Secondary Title*4033211F Exact Journal*403321001FKeywords*2133211FAbstract*62FAccession Number*17FISSN*8  INSPEC (OvidSP)OvidSPĆSource data for book chapters and conference papers must be parsed manually after downloading. At the time this file was made, INSPEC data did not include a dedicated Year field for book chapters.  INSPEC (OvidSP)OvidSPÉLIMITATIONS 1. Source data for book chapters and conference papers must be parsed manually after downloading. At the time this file was made, INSPEC data did not include year data for book chapters.